The Proudest, Pinkest Sky

It’s been a busy time here at Redfern Enterprises, where our employees don’t/won’t/can’t leave until every last potential scrap of work is definitively finished forever. In the meantime there’s plenty of exciting news, from print copies of Proud Pink Sky, to excerpts from the novel, to book recommendations. Follow me as we take you through our latest exciting updates, and please try not to make eye contact with our industrious workforce. Reminders of human interaction will only upset them, thus harming productivity.

Print Copies of Proud Pink Sky!

The print copies have arrived, and they’re absolutely stunning! I love the matte cover, how well the map was reproduced, and the imaginative use of formatting — with different sections of the novel using different layouts and fonts.

It made this colourful giant extremely happy.

Read an excerpt from the novel at Stadtsprechen

Following the reading of Proud Pink Sky at the Brotfabrik, the fantastic Berlin-based magazine Stadtsprechen has published an excerpt from the novel — in both English and German! The German translation is extremely well-done, and you can take a look for yourself here.

The Bay Area Reporter

Proud Pink Sky has made the Winter Books Picks from the Bay Area Reporter! Here’s an extract:

This is a wild, colorfully imaginative tale of unrest and coalition in a city with its own vocabulary and secret historical gay slang (Polari), all meant for paradise, but only for a conforming citizenry.

People really seem to be connecting with the novel! You can pre-order a copy for yourself at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Book Depository, and many other places.

I also write a list of recommendations for, a really great website where authors recommend their favourite books. I really like that this is curated rather than algorithm-based, which we need much, much more of to counter the absolute clinical dystopia which is the internet in 2023. You can read my recommendations — titled ‘The best sci-fi and speculative stories depicting queer lives’ — at this link.

Hold it right there, we’ve received reports that one of you has been illegally sneaking potable water to one of our interns, and that this basic display of human dignity has led to them trying to unionise. Please hold while we usher them back safely into their corner using the hose.
